Classes, Workshops
& Curriculum Design

Teaching Artist-in-Residence, Visual & Media Arts

Brooklyn, NY, 2022-present
BRIC Teaching Artists implement student-centered arts residencies, using arts and media to build skills and increase student learning, engaging students through creative projects and lessons relevant to their academic studies, needs and learning styles. Each residency is unique, and is developed to meet the goals of BRIC and its partners. BRIC residencies generally last from 10 to 34 weeks. BRIC Residencies: Urban Assembly School of Music & Art (Grades 9-12); East New York Arts & Civics High School (Grades 6-8), East New York Arts, Civics High School, P.S. 202, M.S. 890 (Grades 4-5). BRIC Select CoursesPortrait Poetics: The Self as Moving Image, Filmmaking & Video Podcasting. 

EPFC NY x Maysles Documentary Center
Super 8mm Filmmaking, Eco-Processing, 16mm Filmmaking & Processing (Teen DocMakers Lab)
Brooklyn, NY, 2023-present

EPFC NY x Spectacle Theater
16mm Film Workshop
Brooklyn, NY, 2023

EPFC Collective NY: Free Public Workshop Series

Brooklyn, NY, 2022-present
EPFC Collective grant recipient alongside Lily Sarosi to program free community arts education workshops through 2022 and 2023 in Brooklyn, NY. Select Workshops: Free All-Ages 16mm Cameraless Film Workshop

Mono No Aware
Brooklyn, NY, 2016 - 2018
Teaching Artist at Mono No Aware, a nonprofit media arts organization. Classes include technical instruction on functions and techniques of 16mm filmmaking from start to finish. Curriculum includes history of analog cinema, camera options, film stock choices, exposure, lenses, how to load, focus, maintain, and operate the H16 Bolex Reflex film camera.

Echo Park Film Center (EPFC)
Los Angeles, CA, 2014 - 2016
Select Courses: Tell Your Story Walking, Lost and Found Youth Class, See You Soon: Moving Image Memories Youth Class, Intro to Handmade Documentary Filmmaking on Super 8, Tinting and Toning Adult Workshop, Power to the Pinhole
Click here for course descriptions